Media and Announcements 2016

RBC plants flowers at Garfield School
The Revere Beautification Committee (RBC) and the Garfield School joined in an effort to beautify the main entrance of the Garfield School. The students of Mr. Horgan's 7th grade class planted new flowers. The result is a lovely and welcoming entrance to the school. Special thanks from the RBC to the Garfield School, Green Acres, East Boston Savings Bank and the Lacona Family.

Revere Chamber honors Carol Haney with Lifetime Achievement Award.

East Boston Savings Bank donates to Revere Beautification Committee.
East Boston Savings Bank presents a $500 donation to the Revere Beautification Committee to help support future projects that will help the organization beautify the Revere community.

New Sign at Brown Circle
The Revere Beautification Committee and Revere Chamber of Commerce join force to replace "Welcome to Revere: sign.
The Revere Chamber of Commerce hosted its 3rd annual Community Awards Reception at Spinelli's function facility in Lynnfield on April 5th. Several people and organizations were honored for their contributions to the betterment of the city of Revere. Among the honorees was Carol Haney, a member of the Revere Beautification Committee, who was given the Lifetime Achiement Award for her efforts on behalf of Revere.